117 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Algoritma C4.5 dalam Penilaian Kelayakan Pemberian Kredit Kepada Mitra Usaha PT Arita Prima Sukses

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    This research aims to investigate the application of the C4.5 algorithm method in assessing the feasibility of granting credit to business partners by PT Arita Prima Sukses. PT Arita Prima Sukses is a financial industry company with various business partners in need of financial support for their growth. The decision-making process regarding the provision of credit to business partners is a critical aspect of the company's risk management. The C4.5 method is one of the artificial intelligence methods used for decision-making based on rules identified from historical data. This research collects and analyzes historical data on credit approval for business partners by PT Arita Prima Sukses. The C4.5 method is then implemented to generate a predictive model that can assist in assessing the feasibility of future credit approvals. The results of the research indicate that the C4.5 method can significantly contribute to improving the accuracy of assessing the feasibility of granting credit to business partners. With this model, the company can be more effective in identifying potential risks and optimizing their credit portfolio. The implications of this research include enhancements in risk management and the potential for increased company profitability

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Berbasis Web

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    This can make irresponsible parties libel the company because everyone or customers who join it can read and comment freely on what the customer complained about. Therefore, PT Indoritel Makmur International Tbk (Indomaret) Batam is advised to have an application that can arrange and provide services to complaints or criticism and customer suggestions. To overcome these problems then designed a web-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) information system. This design aims to facilitate customers in delivering criticism and suggestions or complaints to the service company. This design uses UML modeling diagram (Unifed Modeling Language) such as, Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, Class Diagram and Sequence Diagram. In addition, the technologies used in this design system such as Dreamweaver, PHP, and MySQL. The end result of this design is a Web-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) information system that can be used to manage customer complaints submitted to PT Indoritel Makmur International Tbk (Indomaret) Batam. The Extreme Programming method is the most widely used approach to software development


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    With the rapid advancement of information technology, computers have become highly useful devices for humans in various fields. In the context of companies, an inventory system is needed to ensure smooth operational activities. Inventory encompasses a complete list of items owned by an office, institution, factory, or company, and is used to carry out specific tasks. PT Pelayaran Nasional Sandico Ocean Line Batam is one company that still uses a manual or conventional inventory system to record ship spare parts inventory. Therefore, a web-based information system is proposed to replace the existing system. In the development of this website, the PHP programming language is used to create dynamic and interactive web pages. For the framework, Codeigniter is chosen based on the previously explained concepts. Codeigniter is selected as one of the best frameworks for building web applications because it provides various tools that aid in faster development, a stable structure, and ease of maintenance. The development of this Codeigniter-based website aims to assist developers in efficiently building web applications. By using Codeigniter, developers can easily handle complex PHP code, seamlessly integrate components, and achieve useful functionality with simple configuration. &nbsp

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Perintah Kerja Overtime Pegawai Berbasis Web Pada PT PLN Batam

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    Perancangan sistem informasi ini didasari belum adanya penggunaan sistem informasi perintah kerja lembur yang berbasis web di PT PLN Batam (b’right). Dimana sistem informasi berbasis web ini digunakan oleh staff dan manager perusahaan untuk membantu proses penyelesaian pekerjaan administrasi kerja lembur salah satunya berupa Surat Perintah Kerja Lembur (SPKL) sehingga laporan upah lembur tidak menumpuk dan segera dapat dibayar namun tidak menyalahi prosedur kerja lembur yang ada di PT PLN Batam (b’right). Selama ini penyelesaian administrasi perintah kerja lembur selalu lambat ditambah lagi dengan perkiraan jumlah karyawan di PT PLN Batam (b’right) akan semakin bertambah setiap tahunnya akan semakin menimbulkan masalah dalam proses perintah kerja lembur di PT PLN Batam (b’right). Metode perancangan  yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan Unified Modelling Language (UML) versi 2.3 dengan System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) mengunakan model Waterfall. Sistem ini akan menghasilkan sistem informasi perintah kerja lembur yang cepat yang akan membuat kinerja Manager dan staff semakin efektif dan efisien karena sistem informasi ini berbasis web yang mudah di akses


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    Technology and information are very important in every agency. E-service is an electronic-based service that uses certain processes to provide better service. Baloi Indah Kelurahan is a community headquarters by providing services, one of which is managing population documents. In this study, the authors conducted a sistem design using the SDLC method with the Waterfall model. The process of designing and coding applications using the PHP and MySQL language


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    This study aims to describe the information system management of spare parts in PT Sat Nusapersada Tbk that has been applied and what problems have arisen and design a new system as a proposal of the problem of spare part management in PT Sat Nusapersada Tbk. To give an idea through the system design of the benefits of the system that makes it easy for users, the method used in this study is the waterfall. The results of this study indicate that the current system has the potential for errors in checking spare part stock data, reading the size of parts and also the slow management of stock data. With the new system design, it is expected to be able to control stock quickly, facilitate users in making reports, maximize business operations by using technology, and efficiently manage spare parts using qr code


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    Developments in the field of technology can be used to help work, one of which is by building a web-based information system at a used bookstore in the city of Batam. The sales system in this bookstore is still manual, where buyers have to come to the store to get the desired book. Limitations in terms of product marketing are one of the obstacles in the bookstore. The main problem at this bookstore is the difficulty of buyers when looking for books because of the low stock of books. The data collection method Used on this examine is to apply commentary and interview techniques, where researchers come to the location to make observations to see the existing system in the bookstore and interview the owner to find out the existing problems. The research technique utilized in this study is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method with the waterfall model. By making this online sales system, it can make its easier for sellers to market products, and for buyers to be able to see the available stock of books and choose and buy books without having to come to a bookstor


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    This study aimed to examine the effect of Utilization Office Automation Webmail and Motivation on Employee Productivity. Employee productivity can be interpreted as a result of the company or individual in carrying out the work effectively, efficiently and legally controlled conducted in order to achieve the mission and vision of the company. Factors that may affect the Employee Productivity allegedly dominant enough to have an influence on Employee Productivity at PT Giken Precision Indonesia in Batam are Utilization Office Automation Webmail and Motivation. These factors are interrelated to each other on Employee Productivity at PT Giken Precision Indonesia in Batam. Thus these factors have a relationship that can be combined to achieve Employee Productivity is high. Employee productivity is influenced by many other factors that need to augment existing theories. This study is expected to provide input to the company that optimize utilization of Office Automation Webmail can improve Employee Productivity. Good service quality is highly dependent on the provider that indeed competent in their field. By processing the data using statistical tests, the results of this study suspected Utilization Office Automation Webmail very useful for service, motivation is very beneficial for the service, useful for service productivity, and partially that the utilization of Office Automation Webmail significant effect on Employee Productivity and Motivation significant effect on Employee productivity, as well as the simultaneous utilization of Office Automation Webmail and motivation influence on Employee Productivity


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    PLN Batam is a services company in batam. The purpose of this study was to determine effects of Quality Information Technology for Employee Performance. To determine the use of Information Technology and Work Motivation on Employee Performance. Research object PT. PLN Batam with the unit of analysis Employees PT. PLN Batam. The data was obtained using a questionnaire and interviewed staff and leadership PT. PLN Batam. Use of Information Technology and Work Motivation affect employee performance simultaneously at PT. PLN Batam. In the implementation, PT. PLN Batam is less attention to the balance of the services offered by PT. PLN Batam to its employees so that the use of Information Technology PT. PLN Batam for Employee Performance influential but less than optimal. Quality Information Technology provides information that is useful for customers by enabling customer service, employee competence is currently perceived by the customers PT. PLN Batam, work motivation is perceived as better by customers PT. PLN Batam. Although not all of the customer acknowledge the good work motivation, but based on the results of this study concluded that the majority of customers found that perceived work motivation is quite good, Employee Performance individuals and groups perceived to have provided enough benefit to customer service, quality of Information Technology In partial influence positive and significant impact on employee performance, partially Competence, providing a positive and significant impact on Employee Performance, Motivation partially Working, providing a positive and significant impact on Employee Performance and Quality simultaneously information Technology, Occupational Competence and Motivation significant positive influence on Employee performance

    Pembinaan Pengelolaan Keuangan Dengan Aplikasi ABSS Accounting Pada UKM Snack dan Cookies di Kota Batam

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    Survey dilapangan kurangnya sumber daya manusia yang memiliki keahlian atau skill dibidang akuntansi serta memakan biaya untuk pembelian peralatan komputer dan software pada sistem komputerisasi pada badan-badan usaha kecil tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembinaan Usaha Kecil Menengah Snack Dan Cookies Kota Batam yang akan diberikan yaitu metode survei, metode ceramah, metode diskusi dan metode latihan. Tujuan dari hasil kegiatan pembinaan yaitu diharapkan UKM Snack dan Cookies mampu memahami pencatatan serta tujuan dalam catatan laporan keuangan, mampu menganalisis dan membuat laporan keuangan secara mandiri sesuai dengan siklus akuntansi setiap periodenya, mampu menyusun laporan keuangan dengan bantuan program ABSS, dapat meningkatkan kinerja keuangan UKM Snack dan Cookies. Hasil dari pengabdian UKM merasakan masih perlu penyesuaian terhadap penyusunan laporan keuangan yang berstandar akuntansi keuangan entitas tanpa akuntabilitas publik untuk penginputan data keuangan dengan aplikasi ABSS Accounting untuk meningkatkan kinerja keuangan UKM
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